Just sending out a reminder that you have 1 week to enter Clearly iStamp Challenge #1 - Color Challenge - Red, White & Blue
All three colors must be present.
At least 95% of your craft should be these colors only.
At least 95% of your craft should be these colors only.
Time: June 21st @ 10 am - July 4th @ 11 pm (Central Time)
Prize: $10 gift code to Clearly Digi Stamps for digital stamps.
Winner will be announced on July 10th @ 10 am (central time)
I also wanted to spot light Clearly Digi Stamps that have been used so far in the challenge!
Awesome Creations that will get you an extra spot in the random drawing for using a Clearly Digi Stamp!
Okay those should inspire you to go be crafting and create something Red, White & Blue.
See you soon!!
P.S. - Still looking for people interested in joining the Clearly iStamp Challenge Design Team.
Check out the CiSC1 and it will tell you all the details!

Thank you for featuring my card today. The last two days have been "card slump" for me, so it was a joy to wake to sunny skies and seeing my card spotlighted... now I feel invigorated again. Thanks! Let the crafting begin.
Than you for featuring my card. I am honored that my card was selected as one of the cards you chose to spotlight. Enjoy your crafting day! I made a special post today so others will come and join too!
Thanks a bunch! Gail
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