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Thursday, May 23, 2013

Good things come to those who wait!

Good things come to those who wait!


We've always heard that, so I am claiming that as true for this store!

We are busily trying to find the pesky little code that has gone wrong in my pretty new store!

In summary, some customers can add items to their carts and some can not.  We are trying to figure this out and make it so everyone can shop...aren't we nice :-)

I'll keep you posted as I have updates!
Please pray for wisdom for my website guy!

1 comment:

Christine Harrop said...

I do so hope you can sort things out soon Lori! It's so exciting and you must be so disappointed but can you hear me singing "Just Keep On Praying"? Well I'm sure God will send inspiration to your website guy. Flippin' computers!! Love and God Bless from Christine in the UK xx